The invasion of Russia into Ukraine in February 2022 has created a humanitarian crisis for millions of people living there. Tens to hundreds of thousands have been killed or injured. As of November, the United Nations placed the number of externally displaced Ukrainian refugees at more than 7.8 million, and an estimated 6.5 million more have been internally displaced within Ukraine. Critical infrastructure, including basic health care services, have been devastated and the associated humanitarian needs for Ukraine are enormous.
The Ukrainian healthcare system was not prepared for a full-scale invasion. Most hospitals are working with equipment dating back to the Soviet era. According to reliable sources, hospitals at the front may receive more than 100 injured patients a day. Doctors are forced to operate with limited supplies and resources despite constant bombings and shelling with equipment that is not always reliable. Hospitals in western Ukraine, although not being shelled, are experiencing a huge influx of refugees from the east with chronic conditions, pregnant women, and children who have survived the bombings. Many soldiers and civilian casualties who have been stabilized but need further care have been transferred to the west. Many hospitals throughout the country are filled in excess of capacity.
The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America stepped in on the second day of the war to spearhead a Medical Relief Task Force for Ukraine focusing on medical aid. The main goal was to supply Ukrainian hospitals and frontline physicians with critically needed medical supplies and equipment. Founded in 1950, UMANA is a voluntary non-profit association of professionals licensed to practice medicine in the USA and Canada. The group’s original mission to facilitate educational exchange has been retooled to meet the dire needs of the injured and sick in Ukraine and to leverage its members’ healthcare backgrounds and networks for that purpose.
UMANA Chapters from around the USA have stepped up to help along with UMANA’s 501(c)3 Foundation. The UMANA Illinois Chapter (UMANA IL) has volunteers and warehouses in the Midwest USA and in Ukraine that serve as a continuous pipeline of supplies and equipment to Ukraine. UMANA IL operates at 2 different warehouses for the provisioning, sorting, packing and shipping of critical medical supplies and equipment: Bensenville, Illinois and Germantown, Wisconsin. Monetary donations to the Foundation have facilitated these operations and those of other chapters in the USA.
Thousands of volunteers help the UMANA IL Chapter with packing pallets, suitcases, delivering donations to the warehouse and then on to Ukraine. UMANA IL has established a reliable network of volunteers and partner organizations in Ukraine that help with distribution of supplies and also to purchase critical aid from local suppliers in Ukraine whenever possible. Donations from the USA have been sent by air freight, maritime freight and in over 4,000 individually packed and delivered suitcases via commercial flights.
Our network of volunteers and key partners is essential to these efforts and includes a variety of nonprofits and NGOs in the US, Europe and Ukraine, e.g., Rotary International, Razom for Ukraine, the American College of Surgeons, MedGlobal, Global Surgical Medical Support Group, Be An Angel, Give to the World, Help Heroes of Ukraine, and others. Through these networks we get regular feedback and confirmation that our supplies from the USA and those sourced abroad reach the frontline physicians who need them most. We hope to encourage further partnerships and expansion of the networks providing critical medical aid to Ukraine. Each donation and volunteer effort, small or large, helps us to save lives. UMANA is grateful to everyone for their help and support.
A list of ongoing critical needs for “in kind” donations is listed below:
- Oral and IV antibiotics
- Non-narcotic pain relief medications
- Quick Clot
- Surgical instruments
- Sutures
- Skin staplers
- Orthopedic external and internal fixation hardware
- Casting materials, ortho glass, splints
- Wound vacuums and associated wound care consumable supplies
- Arterial grafts
- IV supplies (starters, pumps, catheter sets)
- Arterial and central venous catheters
- Airway supplies (ET tubes, LMA, ambu bags, intubation kits)
- Cricothyrotomy kits and consumable supplies
- Chest tube and drainage supplies
- Urinary foley catheters, straight catheters and consumable supplies
- Epidural kits and spinal needles
- Eye trauma care supplies
- military grade ventilators and defibrillators
- surgical lighting
- portable ultrasound machines
Specific requests from Dr. Oleksandr Dunayev – Chief of Burn Center of the KNP “First Territorial Medical Association of the City of Lviv, a separate unit of the Saint Luke’s Hospital” (8th Hospital)
- Goulian Skin Graft Knife
- Pilling wecprep blades
- Watson SKIN graft blades
- Acculan 4 Li-Ion Battery GA346
- Anesthesia breathing apparatuses of the type Leon, Mindray
- Ventilators the Hamilton type
- Bedside patient monitors for intensive monitoring such as Mindray, Nihon Kohden
- Syringe dispensers (one- and two-channel)
- Portable biphasic defibrillator
- Medical vacuum cleaner/aspirator
- Coagulators
- Perforators Mesherand plates (1:2, 1:3)
- Devices for VAC therapy of wounds
- Video laryngoscope
- Bronchoscope
- Portable ultrasound machine
- Mobile x-ray machine
- Aesculap Dermatome Acculan 4
- Acculan 4 oscillating saw
- electric Drill with accessories
- electric Reamer with accessories
- Lumenis UltraPuls Scaar FX CO2 Laser
- hair transplant tool for FUE method
- gas and biochemical analyzer
- system for warming the patient and a blanket
- system for heating infusion solutions
- pump for enteral nutrition
- operating table
- operating shadowless lamp
- Dermatome blades Aesculap GB 228R
- system for central monitoring in the intensive care unit
- gurney-bath for a burn patient
- mobile quartz lamps of high power
- bandages Mepilex AG 20X20
- accessories for VAC wound therapy
- Suprathell
- NovoSorb BTM (20×40)
- Triple Antibiotic Ointment (bacitracin) tube
- multifunctional beds with active mattresses for the treatment burn patients
- fluidized beds (Clinitron)
Specific requests from Dr. Rybak Vasilii, Director of Regional Center for Reconstructive
President of Maxillofacial Surgical Association of Ukraine, Chief of Dentistry in the Kyiv region.
The Center has a very large number of orthopedic needs, however, in particular, I need twenty (20) Mandible External Fixator sets that includes the following components (or substantially similar):
– 4.0 mm Obturator for Mandible External Fixator
– Drill Guide/Cannula, Short (2)
– Drill Guide/Cannula, Long (2)
-1.8 mm/4.0 mm Stepped Drill Bit, Stryker J-Latch With 24 mm Stop (2)
– Measuring Device for Mandible External Fixator
– Cannulated T-Handle for Mandible External Fixator
– Cannulated T-Handle for Mandible External Fixator
– Rod Template for Mandible External Fixator
– Combination Wrench,7 mm Width Across Flats
– Socket Wrench, 7 mm Width Across Flats
– Drill Sleeve Handle
– 2.5 mm K-Wire With Thread, 150 mm, Trocar Point, 15 mm Thread Length(10)
– 2.5mm/4.0 mm Titanium Schanz Screw, Blunt Tip, 50 mm (3)
– 2.5mm/4.0 mm Titanium Schanz Screw, Blunt Tip, 60 mm (3)
– 2.5mm/4.0 mm Titanium Schanz Screw, Blunt Tip, 70 mm (3)
– 2.5mm/4.0 mm Titanium Self-Drilling Schanz Screw, 50 mm (3)
– 2.5mm/4.0 mm Titanium Self-Drilling Schanz Screw, 60 mm (3)
– 2.5mm/4.0 mm Titanium Self-Drilling Schanz Screw, 70 mm (3)
– Adjustable Clamp (8)
– Protective Cap for 2.5mmK-Wires (10)
– Protective Cap for 4.0 mm Bars and Rods (10)
– 4.0 mm Titanium Pre-Bend Rods, Full Mandible with Ramus (2)
– 4.0 mm Titanium Pre-Bend Rods, Full Mandible (2)
– 4.0 mm Titanium Pre-Bend Rods, Three-Quarter Mandible (2)
– 4.0 mm Titanium Pre-Bend Rods, One-Half Mandible (2)
– 4.0 mm Carbon Fiber Rod, 60 mm (2)
– 4.0 mm Carbon Fiber Rod, 80 mm (2)
– 4.0 mm Carbon Fiber Rod, 100 mm (2)
– Mandible External Fixator Set Graphic Case Base
– Mandible External Fixator Set Graphic Case Lid