The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) and the UMANA Foundation join the Canada Ukraine Foundation (CUF) in expediting procurement and delivery of urgently needed essential medications for the treatment of wounded soldiers and civilians in embattled regions of Ukraine.
This collaboration allows for purchase and delivery of high priority medication currently available at heavily discounted prices in Western Europe and North America. Medical experts from UMANA, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, determine which medications are best suited to meet the high demand for antibiotics and painkilling medications.
In order to procure these medications in the volumes needed, CUF, UMANA’s Mission:Medicine project, UMANA Foundation and others have committed a combined contribution of $500,000 USD to leverage a bulk purchase of pharmaceutical supplies worth well in excess of the purchase price.
The pharmaceuticals (59,500 lbs-almost 30 tons) are being delivered to the French Foundation Association Іnternationale de Сoopération Médicale – (AICM) with an expiration date of not earlier than January 31, 2023. AICM has begun immediate distribution to the neediest medical centers and field hospitals across the country, and will ensure that all donor groups receive confirmation of delivery as quickly as security conditions allow.
We thank all UMANA members for their contributions to Mission:Medicine and members of the community for their continuing support to help Ukraine through this crisis.