The recent devastating bombings have tragically destroyed a significant portion of Ukraine’s largest children’s medical center, Okhmatdyt, leaving countless young patients without essential medical care. This center has been a beacon of hope for countless children and their families, providing critical treatments and life-saving interventions. Now, more than ever, we need your support to rebuild and restore this vital institution. Your generous donation can help us provide immediate medical assistance, rebuild the damaged facilities, and ensure that no child is left without the care they desperately need. Join us in this urgent mission to heal and protect the future of Ukraine’s children by donating today.
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UMANA 75th Anniversary Gala and XLVII Scientific Conference
The UMANA 75th Anniversary Gala and XLVII Scientific Conference will take place in New York City at the Ukrainian Institute of America.
Donors that help us
The UMANA Foundation has received $2.72m in donations to aid medical relief in Ukraine.
Organizations we Support
The UMANA Foundation, with help from several UMANA Chapters, has distributed 2.52M to help the victims of the war in Ukraine with medical and humanitarian relief.
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