Our 2023 picnic was a successful event held on a pleasant Sunday afternoon, attended by more than 70 adults and children, mingling with old colleagues and making new friends.
We recognized Mr. Hans Bloom, Mr. John Dunn, the United Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cleveland and Mrs. Ann Schneidhorst for their contributions to the Ohio Chapter in terms of time as well as monetary support enabling our group to supply medical equipment and other supplies to war-torn Ukraine.
We are grateful to our member, Dr. Michael Samotowka, who presented a slide show of his experiences in Ukraine. Mychajlo, in coordination with MedGlobal, travels to war torn regions in Ukraine every other month and provides surgical care to injured Ukrainians. He also establishes needs at different locations and communicates them to our chapter which we proceed to attempt to fulfill.
We also had the pleasure of meeting several physicians displaced by the war in Ukraine. Welcome all! Вітаємо! To contact the Ohio Chapter email: Umanaohio@gmail.com
We are in the process of creating an Ohio Chapter website.